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About us
Areas of Activity
Publications and reviews
Mission statement
PES Network Strategy
Unemployment statistics
Public participation
Informative materials
Public customer service standard
SEA portal of CV and Vacancies
Registration of CV
Registration of vacancies and personnel selection
Seek vacancies
Job seeking
Unemployed person status
Acquiring the status
Rights and obligations
Support for job seeking
Job seeker status
Acquiring the status
Rights and obligations
Support for job seeking
Support for people with disabilities
Employment Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities
Support measures
Support for initiation of the employment relationships
Aid for the employment of the unemployed
Subsided work places
Promotion of Regional Mobility of Employed Persons
Support for starting business
Work in the non-governmental sector
Paid Temporary Public Work
Support for job seeking
Career consultations
Personnel selection
Information days
Job information offices
Job-search support
Support for the Unemployed with Addiction Problems
Individual counselling with a psychologist
Determining professional aptitude
Motivation program for job search and social mentoring services
Support for training on internationally recognised open online course platforms
Digital skills training in partnership with Google
Remote training
Measures to Increase Competitiveness
Gaining skills
Support for the assessment of professional competence
Practical Training with the Employer
Gaining qualification
Summer employment for students
For refugees and persons with alternative status
Offering job
Support for regional mobility for employers
Registering vacancies
Wage subsidy support measure
Personnel selection
Training new employees
Practical training in the employer’s facilities
Training by the employer with the involvement of sectoral associations
Training unemployed persons at the employer’s request
Developing skills for work (Support for higher education institutions, associations and foundations)
Subsided work places
Summer employment for students
Services in case of collective redundancies
Paid temporary public works
Employment of foreigners
Employers' meetings with jobseekers
Employing people with disabilities
Refugees and persons with alternative status
Temporary paid public works
Lifelong learning
EURES – job mobility in Europe
EURES advisers
Living and working in Latvia
Entry and stay in Latvia
Living and working conditions
Facts about Latvia
Equal treatment of European Union workers
Useful information and links
For employers
For jobseekers
Employment agencies
Employment of foreigners
Refugees and persons with alternative status
CV and Vacancies portal
About us
About the State Employment Agency of Latvia
The organizational structure of the State Employment Agency of Latvia
Areas of Activity
The Director of the State Employment Agency of Latvia
Publications and reviews
Annual reports on activities of the State Employment Agency of Latvia
Projects funded by European Union
The history of the State Employment Agency of Latvia
Mission statement
The mission of State Employment Agency is to ensure the implementation of unemployment reduction policy by providing efficient services and promoting employment in the public interests.
PES Network Strategy
European Network of Public Employment Services
Unemployment statistics
Public participation
Informative materials
Public customer service standard
Learn more about services provided by the State Employment Agency for the employers, the unemployed, job seekers and other persons.
SEA portal of CV and Vacancies
SEA portal of CV and Vacancies is the largest database of vacancies in Latvia
Registration of CV
Support information for registering CV
Registration of vacancies and personnel selection
Support information for registering vacancies and personnel selection
Seek vacancies
Job seeking
Learn more about services available to persons seeking a job
Unemployed person status
Acquiring the status
Rights and obligations
Support for job seeking
Job seeker status
Acquiring the status
Rights and obligations
Support for job seeking
Support for people with disabilities
Employment Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities
Support measures
Support for initiation of the employment relationships
Aid for the employment of the unemployed
Subsided work places
Promotion of Regional Mobility of Employed Persons
Support for starting business
Work in the non-governmental sector
Paid Temporary Public Work
Support for job seeking
Career consultations
Personnel selection
Information days
Job information offices
Job-search support
Support for the Unemployed with Addiction Problems
Individual counselling with a psychologist
Determining professional aptitude
Motivation program for job search and social mentoring services
Support for training on internationally recognised open online course platforms
Digital skills training in partnership with Google
Remote training
Measures to Increase Competitiveness
Gaining skills
Support for the assessment of professional competence
Practical Training with the Employer
Gaining qualification
Summer employment for students
For refugees and persons with alternative status
Offering job
Learn more about services available to employers offering a job
Support for regional mobility for employers
Registering vacancies
Wage subsidy support measure
Personnel selection
Training new employees
Practical training in the employer’s facilities
Training by the employer with the involvement of sectoral associations
Training unemployed persons at the employer’s request
Developing skills for work (Support for higher education institutions, associations and foundations)
Subsided work places
Summer employment for students
Services in case of collective redundancies
Paid temporary public works
Employment of foreigners
Employers' meetings with jobseekers
Employing people with disabilities
Refugees and persons with alternative status
Temporary paid public works
Lifelong learning
EURES – job mobility in Europe
EURES advisers
Living and working in Latvia
Entry and stay in Latvia
Living and working conditions
Facts about Latvia
Equal treatment of European Union workers
Useful information and links
For employers
For jobseekers
Employment agencies
Licensed private employment agencies
Employment of foreigners
Learn more about employing third country nationals
Refugees and persons with alternative status
CV and Vacancies portal
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Darba meklēšanas stratēģija – konsultācija klātienē, Madonā: Pieteikties grupas karjeras konsultācijai klātienē
Darba meklēšanas stratēģija – konsultācija klātienē, Aizkrauklē: Pieteikties grupas karjeras konsultācijai klātienē
Atzīmējiet interesējošo karjeras konsultācijas tēmu
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Attālinātā darba iemaņu attīstība
Praktisks atbalsts CV un motivācijas vēstules sagatavošanā
Sagatavošanās darba intervijai
Karjeras pamati un profesiju izvēle
Darba meklēšanas stratēģija
Darba tirgus situācija un tendences
Norādiet konsultācijas datumu
Ar karjeras konsultāciju norises laikiem var iepazīties
Jūsu vārds, uzvārds
Jūsu personas kods
Jūsu e-pasts
Jūsu kontakttālrunis
Jūsu statuss
Esmu Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūrā reģistrēts/-a bezdarbnieks/-ce vai darba meklētājs/-a
Neesmu Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūrā reģistrēts/-a bezdarbnieks/-ce vai darba meklētājs/-a
Lūdzu norādiet personu grupu, kurai atbilstat
Nepieciešams pilnveidot prasmes atbilstoši darba tirgus prasībām
Uzteikts darba līgums
Persona, kura nestrādā un iegūst izglītību pamatizglītības vai vidējās izglītības pakāpē
Persona, kurai nav darba pieredzes
Vecumā virs 50 gadiem
Noteikta invaliditāte vai prognozējama invaliditāte
Izvēlieties filiāli konsultācijas saņemšanai
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Balvu filiāle
Bauskas filiāle
Cēsu filiāle
Daugavpils filiāle
Jelgavas filiāle
Jēkabpils filiāle
Jūrmalas filiāle
Krāslavas filiāle
Liepājas filiāle
Ludzas filiāle
Madonas filiāle
Ogres filiāle
Preiļu filiāle
Rēzeknes filiāle
Rīgas reģionālā filiāle
Saldus filiāle
Siguldas filiāle
Talsu filiāle
Valmieras filiāle
Ventspils filiāle
Esmu informēts/a, ka:
Personas datu apstrādes pārzinis ir Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra (Aģentūra), reģistrācijas Nr.90001634668, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 38, k-1, Rīga, LV-1010, kontaktinformācija:
, tālr.
+371 67021820
, datu aizsardzības speciālista kontaktinformācija:
Aģentūra personas datus apstrādā normatīvajos aktos noteikto uzdevumu izpildei nodarbinātības veicināšanas jomā. Personas datu apstrādes juridiskais pienākums un sabiedrības interese, kā arī datu glabāšanas termiņi ir noteikti Bezdarbnieku un darba meklētāju atbalsta likumā, Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 24. februāra noteikumi Nr. 103 “Bezdarbnieka un darba meklētāja statusa piešķiršanas kārtība un statusa piešķiršanai nepieciešamie dokumenti”, Ministru kabineta 2011. gada 25. janvāra noteikumi Nr. 75 “Noteikumi par aktīvo nodarbinātības pasākumu un preventīvo bezdarba samazināšanas pasākumu organizēšanas un finansēšanas kārtību un pasākumu īstenotāju izvēles principiem” un Ministru kabineta 2017. gada 28. marta noteikumos Nr. 172 “Bezdarbnieku uzskaites un reģistrēto vakanču informācijas sistēmas noteikumi”.
Apliecinu, ka:
Esmu iepazinies ar informāciju par personas datu apstrādi Aģentūras Privātuma politikā, kas pieejama Aģentūras tīmekļa vietnē
sadaļā “
Privātuma politika
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