State Employment Agency organises Informative days for the unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment (customers) to provide information about the available services, as well as informative support in the process of seeking employment. Informative days are held in all 20 SEA Local Employment Offices at least once a week.
During the Informative day SEA provides information about:
- Unemployed person status, rights and obligations;
- Cooperation with SEA in seeking employment;
- Individual employment seeking plan;
- SEA services for the unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment;
- Employment seeking options;
- Creating CV and letter of application;
- Preparing for a job interview;
- Employment seeking in EU/ European Economic Area.
In order to provide support for the youth, SEA organises special Informative days for the unemployed and job seekers under the age of 24, providing assistance in evaluating their professional compatibility and interests, information about education opportunities and important questions when seeking employment.
During the SEA Informative days you can also receive information from other State and Nongovernmental organizations since SEA invites representatives from State Labour Inspectorate, State Social Insurance Agency and NGOs, as well as employers etc.
Customers receive informative materials about SEA services, presentation materials, samples for writing resume and letter of application etc.
How to participate in SEA Informative days:
- if you are unemployed, a job seeker or at risk of unemployment express the wish to participate to your employment agent with;