Job search support measures - development of an individual job search plan for the unemployed, profiling of the unemployed (classification for successive participation in active employment measures), identification of suitable jobs, information on job search methods, verification of fulfilment of the job search obligation and other active job search measures to motivate the unemployed and jobseekers to look for work and enter the labour market more actively.
Identifying suitable work
The National Employment Agency works with the unemployed person to find a suitable job, taking into account:
- the professional qualifications of the unemployed person (the unemployed person has the necessary knowledge and skills to perform the duties of the offered job, including the necessary level of proficiency in the national language), provided that:
- during the first three months from the date of becoming unemployed, the unemployed person is offered a job in an occupation in which the unemployed person previously worked, received education, or a lower-skilled job, if the unemployed person so wishes;
- during the next three months of unemployment, the unemployed person may also be offered a lower-skilled job than the one in which the unemployed person was previously employed or educated;
- during the remaining months of unemployment status, the unemployed person is also offered a low-skilled job (elementary occupations according to the Group 9 of the Classification of Occupations).
- the unemployed person's state of health The unemployed person is obliged to inform the State Employment Agency about functional impairments and health problems that prevent him/her from performing certain tasks, as evidenced by a certificate from the attending physician;
- the offered job is accessible from the unemployed person's declared place of residence by travelling no more than one and a half hours one way;
- the amount of the salary, which is considered appropriate if:
- the amount of the salary offered is considered adequate if, during the first three months of unemployment, it is not less than the average salary in the relevant occupation according to the average hourly rate of pay for occupations published by the State Revenue Service. During the following months of unemployment, an appropriate wage level is also one that is lower than the average salary in the relevant occupation, according to the average hourly rate published by the State Revenue Service, but not lower than the national minimum monthly wage. If the unemployed person has worked in several occupations at the same time, the average salary of the occupation in which the vacancy is offered is taken into account;
- if the unemployed person has not previously worked, has acquired vocational education, or his/her previous employment income does not reach the amount of the minimum monthly wage set by the state, the unemployed person has been a self-employed person (within the meaning of the Law "On State Social Insurance") or has been registered with the State Revenue Service as an economic activity provider, and six months have passed since the date of becoming unemployed, the appropriate wage amount is considered to be the minimum monthly wage set by the state;
- the unemployed person's actual possibilities to start working in a particular job (there are no circumstances beyond the unemployed person's control that prevent the start of the employment relationship, e.g. looking after a child under the age for starting primary education if the municipality has not provided a childcare service, caring for a disabled person. These reasons must be supported by a certificate from the competent authority).