Coupon Method for Acquiring an Informal Education
Aim of the project:
- Provide an opportunity for unemployed persons and job seekers to increase competitiveness;
- Provide an ability to adjust to the changing labour market demand;
- Increase the opportunities for unemployed persons and job seekers to integrate into the labour market.
For participation in informal education programmes may apply unemployed persons and job seekers who cannot find employment due to not having suitable abilities for changing labour market demand or having insufficient abilities.
Basic conditions for implementing coupon method for training:
- Social and professional skills for unemployed person and job seeker training are determined by a commission established by the Ministry of Welfare in accordance with labour market demand and national economy development forecast.
- Training cupons to the selected non-formal education programs can be obtained in an order in accordance with date of registering the wishes in the State Employment Agency (hereinafter - Agency) database.
- The unemployed person can apply for two training programmes in a year (three if applying to programmes for learning the official language). The period of a year shall be calculated from the date of starting the first non-formal education program.
In accordance with the list of basic social and professional abilities approved by the Ministry of Welfare, unemployed persons and job seekers may choose the following:
- programme and education establishment for acquiring the informal education programme “Official language”;
- driver’s education programme and education establishment form the list of the driver’s education programmes offered by SEA or individually chosen education establishment;
- agricultural equipment operator training programme and education establishment form the list of the agricultural equipment operator training programmes offered by SEA or individually chosen education establishment;
- foreign language and computer science programme and education establishment form the list of the foreign language and computer science training programmes offered by SEA or individually chosen education establishment.
Unemployed persons and job seekers can receive training coupons, participate in informal education programmes and after passing the final examination acquire a certificate for the completed education.
During the training unemployed persons are provided with a monthly grant of 5.00 € for each training day.
If training takes place more than 15km from the unemployed person's residence and it has been their declared residence for at least six months, the unemployed person may apply for regional mobility aid to cover the costs of commuting and rent.
Unemployed person and job seeker training is co-financed within the framework of the EU Fund Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” 7.1.1. specific support objective “Improving Unemployed Person Qualification and Abilities in Accordance with Labour Market Demand”.