The ESF project „Youth Guarantee” No. is co-financed by the Youth Employment Initiative
Sub-activity of the operational program, within which ESF funding is granted
Goal of the 7.2.1. specific support of the Operational Programme "Growth and Jobs" is "Increase in the employment and education of young people that are not involved in employment, education or training within the Youth Guarantee" activity "Implementation of active labour market policy measures for the promoting employment of unemployed youth" |
The State Employment Agency of Latvia
K. Valdemāra street 38 k – 1, Riga, LV – 1010 |
Place of implementation
The territory of the Republic of Latvia
Period of implementation
02.01.2014 - 30.06.2018
Project objective – to promote the transition of 19 000 unemployed young people to employment, particularly in the implementation of the labor market requirements of relevant skills and skills improvement measures and to acquire practical experience in the workplace. |
Support activities available to the target group that are to be implemented within the project:
- job search support measures, measures to raise competition and career counseling, which provides support for career choices;
- implementation of non-formal education programs, which include acquisition of systematic social and professional basic skills compliant to the changing labor market, and organization of the final examination;
- implementation of professional continuing education and professional development programs, providing the opportunity to the target group to acquire professional qualifications and to improve the professional skills and master the appropriate systematic professional knowledge and skills of the changing labor market requirements;
- first work experience for the youth that focuses on the integration of the target group in labor market, while promoting the creation of permanent jobs and permanent employment for young people;
- development of skills necessary for work in the non-governmental sector, focusing on promoting the target group’s activity in the society;
- workshops for the youth, which enables young people to get to know the total number of three professional education programs in one or more educational institutions;
- subsidized jobs for unemployed young people (measures for certain groups, including young people with disabilities), which involves encouraging young people into society, their competitiveness and finding regular work by improving young people's skills and abilities;
- support for self-employment or business start-ups, which helps young people to start a business or self-employment and successfully operate in the chosen area for not less than two years;
- support to the regional mobility of young people, which promotes young people's mobility and intends to compensate the cost of transport and the residential tenancy or living in the hostel, when unemployed young people take part in the project activities. Support for young people’s regional mobility is provided in the following support measures: implementation of non-formal education programs in professional continuing education and professional development programs, first work experience for young people, subsidized jobs for unemployed young people (measures for certain groups, including young people with disabilities), workshops for young people.
Target groups
The target group of the project is young people aged 15 to 29 years (including) who do not study and are not employed, giving priority to supporting the target group aged between 15 and 24 years (including), which are registered as unemployed in the State Employment Agency. In parallel:
- The target group are not beneficiaries of the activity "Initial vocational education programs within the Youth Guarantee" implemented by the State Education Development Agency (with the exception of young people who are involved in job-search support measures, increasing the competitiveness of events and career counseling);
- support measures do not involve young people who pursue a full-time study program according to the Law on Higher Education.
The total project costs are 33 977 162 euro:
- The European Union's budget allocation for funding special youth employment initiatives – 15 515 561 euro,
- Funding of the European Social Fund – 15 692 361 euro,
- state co-funding – 1 625 667 euro,
- private co-funding - 1 143 573 euro.
Indicators to be achieved
Outcome indicators:
- 19 000 unemployed people, including 5 700 long-term unemployed people (benefiting, who have set membership) and 19 000 measures participants supported by the Youth Employment Initiative.
- 5515 - Qualified participants immediately after participating in the training;
- •12920 - participants who are unemployed and have completes the Youth Employment Initiative supported interventions;
- 11266 - participants who are unemployed and after leaving a receive a job, adult education, apprenticeship or internship offer (after participating in the event);
- 11266 - participants who are unemployed and after leaving the program have participated in education/ training, acquired qualifications, or are employed, including self-employment (after participating in the event);
- 3420 - participants who are long-term unemployed people and have completed the Youth Employment Initiative supported interventions;
- 2052 - participants who are long-term unemployed and receive a job, adult education, apprenticeship or internship place offer after leaving the program (after participating in the event);
- 2052 - participants who are long-term unemployed and after leaving the program have participated in education/ training, acquired qualifications, or are employed, including self-employment (after participating in the event);
- 1673 - Participants in adult education and training programs leading to a qualification, apprenticeship or internship activities within six months after leaving (after participating in the event);
- 3876 - participants employed within six months after leaving (after participating in the event);
- 80 – self-employed participants within six months after leaving (after participating in the event)
Scorecard of achieved project results (on 31.03.2017)
Contact person:
Laima Mirzojeva
Department of EU fund projects
ESF project "Youth Guarantee"
Phone: 66155332
E-mail: Laima.Mirzojeva@nva.gov.lv
Related documents:
Regulations No. 207 of 28 April, 2015 of the Cabinet of Ministers on “The Operational program “Growth and Employment” 7.2.1. specific support objective of "Increase in the employment and education of young people that are not involved in employment, education or training within the Youth Guarantee" measure “Implementation of active labour market policy measures for promoting employment of unemployed youth” and “Initial vocational education programs within the Youth Guarantee” implementing rules” as well as the Regulation No. 75 of 25 January, 2011 of the Cabinet of Ministers “The Regulation on the procedure of organizing and funding the active employment measures and preventive unemployment reduction measure, and on the principles of the activity organizer’s choices”.